9th ib Awards雅舍室內及家居品牌優越大獎—傑出成就大獎


「以愛為本」原創力。即將邁向二十年的ADO一直以Design for love, Build for relationship為理念,品牌從建立「以愛」為本、堅持原創的公司文化開始,真心從客戶的角度出發,建立友誼,做好每一個細節,透過每一個項目宣揚關愛文化及正向的生活態度,與客戶建立長遠的友好關係。今年,榮獲ib最高榮獲—「室內設計傑出成就大獎」的ADO,同時榮膺香港品牌局「2021香港十大服務名牌」大獎得主,成為該獎項舉行十六年來首個獲獎的室內設計品牌,為ADO在品牌創建的創意和成就作出了充分的肯定。

ADO, about to celebrate its 20th anniversary, has always embraced the philosophy of "Design for love, Build for relationship." With a focus on love and originality, ADO has built a company culture that genuinely cares for clients and pays attention to every detail. Through each project, ADO promotes a culture of care and a positive life attitude, establishing long-lasting relationships. This year, ADO received the prestigious "Outstanding Achievement Award in Interior Design" from ib and was honored as one of the "Top 10 Service Brands in Hong Kong 2021" by the Hong Kong Brand Development Council. These awards acknowledge ADO's creativity and accomplishments as a pioneering interior design brand.


香港十大服務名牌 Hong Kong Top 10 Service Brand 2021


17th China International Design Fair 第17屆設博會CIDF華騰獎2021