DFA香港青年設計才俊奬歷屆得獎者 — 葉憬翰 Karr Yip


在創業初期,ADO CASA的創辦人葉憬翰(Karr Yip)積極參與各種設計比賽,以獲得展示自己作品的機會。其中,「DFA香港青年設計才俊獎」(DFA HKYDTA)對他產生了深遠的影響。葉憬翰表示:「獲得HKYDTA後,我感到非常滿足,意識到我在學校期間逐漸發展的想法得到社會的認可。」這一經驗進一步激發了他創立自己品牌ADO CASA的決心。如今,ADO CASA已成為一個涵蓋高尚住宅、商業、藝術和文化項目的品牌,並獲得了來自社會各界的廣泛肯定。

In the early career of ADO CASA's founder, Karr Yip, he actively sought design opportunities by participating in various design awards. One award that had a significant impact on him was the "DFA Hong Kong Young Design Talent Award" (DFA HKYDTA). According to Karr, "After receiving the HKYDTA, I felt a sense of accomplishment and realized that the ideas I had developed during my time in school were being acknowledged by society." This experience further motivated Karr to establish his own brand, ADO CASA, which has since gained recognition in high-end residential, commercial, art, and cultural projects from different sectors of society.


【元朗獨立屋 Yuen Long Detached House】ADO CASA 之匠心傑作:元朗簡約優雅居所


【君頤峰 Parc Palais】深沉與明亮兩者取平衡