【南灣 Larvotto】妙用石和磚 創造時尚家


是次位於貝沙灣南灣的單位,居住了戶主夫婦及一對子女,公司的設計師使用了輕奢華的風格,以大量特色石和磚作為主要裝飾材料。白色的電視牆特色磚簡單高雅,表現出時尚的感覺。另外運用了玻璃門分隔廚房和廳的空間,減少室內的壓迫感,同時增加廚房的採光度。由於是次裝修單位實用面積上千平方呎,設計師於是構思如何能做到氣派,又或者藝術設計、細節上的配搭有何巧妙之處等。由於戶主要求要有大量儲物空間,所以設計師特地增加不同用途的區域,並保持空間感。總體上在整體室內空間使用有質感的物料及顏色配搭,並加入有氣質的軟裝做點綴。而這正切合屋主要求,不太喜歡木紋,所以使用tone on tone 的顏色營造不同層次,以達至和諧舒適感。

Our designer incorporated a large number of stones and bricks as the main element of the unit to create a luxurious feeling. The white TV wall features simple and elegant bricks, showcasing a fashionable style. Additionally, glass doors were used to separate the kitchen and living room space, reducing the feeling of confinement in the room and increasing the brightness of the kitchen. The homeowner required ample storage space, so our designer intentionally incorporated different areas while maintaining a sense of spaciousness. Overall, the combination of colors and materials created a sense of quality throughout the entire interior space, complemented by tasteful soft furnishings. This design meets the homeowner's requirements, as they do not prefer wood grain. Therefore, we used tone-on-tone colors to create different levels and achieve a harmonious and comfortable ambiance.

【君頤峰 Parc Palais】深沉與明亮兩者取平衡


香港室內設計周 Hong Kong Interior Design Week 2022